Our three most popular Mearth electric scooters include the RS, which is great for portability and safety features, and the RS Pro, which comes with an amazing maximum range. The GTS Air is another favourite, which is renowned for its premium performance and high visibility. Keep reading to learn more!

Key features:
One-click folding mechanism
Mearth is all about ingenuity and making things as helpful and beneficial as possible for their customers, and that's exactly what they've done with the RS electric scooter. The one-click folding structure lets you get the scooter up and down within seconds, making it incredibly easy and convenient to store when not in use. It also means that you can fold it halfway through your commute to walk for a while, or keep it looking professional when entering your workplace. Many of our customers are big fans of this folding mechanism!
Premium battery
The RS series from Mearth comes with a premium battery featuring concentrated lithium battery power which can turn kinetic energy into electric energy. This means that the battery will remain much more durable and safe while you're using it, and it will be able to stand the test of time where others might crumble and lose efficiency over time. Considering the potential longevity this brings, the RS e-scooter is one of the most cost-effective on the market!
Explosion-proof suspension tyres
We know what you're thinking: "Are other tyres not explosion-proof?" Well, not exactly, but air-filled tyres are much more likely to pop than the RS's tyres, which are made from memory gel vacuum tyres. These gel tyres can pass over bumps and uneven terrain with ease, with wear-resistant casing and anti-skid tread to prevent your scooter slipping from beneath you. They're also resistant to leaks and damage, letting the tyres last for much longer than ordinary air-filled alternatives.
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