Find out more about our three best-selling Razor go-karts now, including their specs and key features.

Key features
Pro level drifting
The go-kart uses a simplified drift system that allows your children to experience professional-level drifting without any safety concerns. They can keep both hands on the wheel, reassuring you they are safe, while they control every slide. They can control the throttle better, too, and enjoy counter steering, just like a professional does!
LED lightshow
You get multi-coloured lights that run along the rear caster wheels and chassis. When the go-kart is on and moving, the LED lights will change colour, increasing your child's visibility and providing plenty of fun as they ride.
Customisable speed
The go-kart also features a discreet control switch that allows you to set the top speed for the go-kart. You can choose between a high or low mode, allowing your child to get familiar with driving the cart before you crank up the speed. They won't know you have set the speed either, allowing them to enjoy the go-kart and not take it too fast before they are ready.
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